The second winner were another team of hostesses, Saron, Charyia and Darleen.
They followed a member inside of the Khmero-Soviet Hospital and all the steps the patients have to go through.
1. The HIP member arrives in the hospital and looks for the HIP Hostess room.
2. The HIP member meets with the hostess:
- Give her the HIP member card for identification,
- The hostess checks the member status (active/inactive) and her pictures in the web-based HIP IT system to identify her,
- The hostess fills in the patient form with information about the member, the services he needs, etc. and to be completed by the doctor,
3. The HIP member waits to meet with a doctor,
4. The HIP member gets the consultation with the doctor,
5. The doctor prescribes medicine for the HIP member
6. The HIP member gets the prescription and goes to the pharmacy.
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